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Mobile Chiropractor in Phoenix, AZ

Mobile Chiropractic of Arizona provides instant pain relief and wellness from the comfort of your home or business with a mobile chiropractor in Phoenix, AZ. Founded by Dr. Gerald Berg, our mission is to provide people with comprehensive chiropractic services at their convenience. Dr. Berg applies over 20 years of knowledge and practice, giving patients holistic solutions for their minds and bodies. If you want to feel refreshed and balanced without leaving the house or office, Dr. Berg will gladly come to you. Receive the same level of care you’d expect from an in-house practice within your comfort zone by scheduling an appointment with us today.

Dr. Berg

About Dr. Gerald Berg

Dr. Gerald Berg (or Jerry, as friends, family, and patients call him) has practiced various chiropractic methods and techniques for over 27 years. His passion for relieving and restoring the mind and body has roots in his upbringing. Raised on a farm in Northern Illinois, Dr. Berg cultivated the land and crops with his father. Eventually, Dr. Berg and his father switched from conventional to biological farming. Dr. Berg experienced first-hand the significant boost in health and quality from biological farming’s chemical-free, micro-focused approach and was inspired to apply the same exceptional care to patients. He attended and graduated from the National Chiropractic College and began practicing immediately afterward. Dr. Berg has practiced in Chicago and New York and continues his work healing minds and bodies in the Phoenix area.

Your Wellness Journey Begins at Home

At Mobile Chiropractic of Arizona, we understand that life gets busy. Family, work, responsibilities, and obligations may hinder you from taking care of yourself. With so much going on in your life, you may want to avoid taking the time to go to an in-house practice. That’s why we will bring your chiropractic to you and rejuvenate your mind and body quickly. First appointments take 40 minutes, with follow-up visits completed in 20 minutes. You’ll receive the relief you want within your schedule—no interruptions.

Schedule an Appointment With Us Today